
Youth Leadership Summit

Youth Summit

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the global economy, with emerging opportunities and threats alike. While governments across the globe are exploring ways to support their people and communities through policy actions and relief efforts, individuals and organizations must take up the responsibility for reskilling and building new competencies for the new world of work. 
This summit is targeted at youth aged 18-35 - young professionals, entrepreneurs and recent graduates determined to make a mark in their careers and businesses. 

Breast Cancer Awareness

Pink Ribbon

"Breast Cancer Awareness Month, marked in countries across the world every October, helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection and treatment as wellas palliative care of the disesase"
Sarah Adebisi Foundation is Inviting you to join them on their ZOOM meeting on the Cancer Awareness
Topic: Cancer Awareness and Its Relevance in this Pandemic Season

Food Support: Love At Christmas 2019

Food Support Program: Love at Orphanage homes

 Sarah Adebisi Sosan Foundation embarked on her 4th annual Food Support Program on Saturday, 21st December 2019 where raw food items like Semovita, Rice, Spaghetti, Salt were donated to over 750 rural riverine communities dwellers of Irewe and other 25 communities  which includes Okolundun, Erekun, Itogbesa, Ojorin, Ibode, Ponpokun, Petepete, Imoba, Tafi, igboja, Agonu, Orufo, Aale Muwo, Okun Fiaiku, Okun tete, Egira, Okun kobo, Alaguntan, Igbolobi, Isahayi of Ojo local

International Day of the Girl Child 2019

Sarah Adebisi Sosan Foundation embarked on Girls Summit program to commemorate the International Day of the Girl Child which is usually celebrated on the 11th of October throughout the world. Theme for the year is “GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable. From both Government and Private schools with over 200 girls from different senior secondary schools in Ojo Local Government, Oto-Awori LCDA and Iba LCDA participated in the summit.
